Right Attitudes Produce Right Actions
No problem man!
A Scotsman was an extremely hard worker and expected all the men under him to be the same. His men would tease him, "Scotty, don't you know that Rome wasn't built in a day?" "Yes," he would answer. "I know that. But I wasn't foreman on that job."
(Author Unknown)
You CAN DO everything, but not all at once.
You CAN DO everything, if it's important enough for you to do.
You CAN DO everything, but you may not be the best at everything.
You CAN DO everything, but there will be limitations.
You CAN DO everything, but you'll need help.
Check out this inspiring slide:
Related posts:
- Working Attitude
- Vision Affects Your Attitude
- Elephant's mentality
- Renew your mind
- Remember to always Think Positive!
- Personal Perception
- Don't get discouraged or depressed
- Successful people also have problems
that y if A,B,C....X,Y,Z represent 1,2,3...24,25,26. how can u get 100%?
Hardworking? NO!
Intelligent? NO!
Knownlegde? NO!
ATTITUDE? YES! exactly 100%!
Indeed, the right attitude in life is of utmost importance. Thanks! Wow, that Scotty is one confident man. To think he could build Rome in one day?
I loved this post...great reminder!
This post was 100% motivational. I enjoyed the slide show. I never saw one of those before.
Thank you,
I love what you wrote about the "CAN DO" altitude. That's so true...:)
Janice Ng
Yes, you are right Sam. Our attitude can make or destry our goals in life.
A great motivational post.
Thanks for sharing.
God bless.
Hi Sam...
I LOVE this!
Such a good reminder for me... my attitude is not always the best!
Thanks a big bunch my dear friend,
Hi Sam,
I see that you are taking it easy on blogging these days huh? Re-prioritizing your life perhaps? I am doing the same too, if you notice.
Have a Blessed Week Ahead!
Hi Amei,
Thank you for stopping by...
Indeed, ATTITUDE can make all the difference!
Best Wishes
Hi Karen,
Thanks for your continuous support. I really appreciate that.
Yup, that Scotty is one confident man. Anyway, there is a fine line between arrogance and confidence :-)
Indeed, I am taking it easy on blogging these days. Not like those days that I sleep late and make very sure that there is one new post before calling it a day. As a result, I was spending very little time learning new stuff other than blogging. Well, New Year is approaching and during this time, I normally do a lot of reflection (find out what matters most) and planning (how to do better the coming year).
I do notice you are taking it easy as well.
Blessings to you, Karen.
Hi Frieda,
I am glad you loved this post. Thanks for the feedback and kind words.
Best Wishes
Hi Tawnya,
I am glad you find this post 100% motivational. Thanks for your kind support and encouragement! It really means a lot!
Blessings to you, Tawnya.
Hi Janice,
I am glad you liked the CAN DO attitude. Indeed, it is nice. Anyway, it was not my own writing. It is in one of page of the slide.
Blessings to you, Janice.
Hi Surjit,
Thanks for adding your words of wisdom. Indeed, our attitude can make or destroy our goals in life.
God bless.
Hi Jennifer,
You're very welcome! My attitude is not always the best either.
Thanks for your kind support and encouragement! It really means a lot!
Blessings and joy to you, my dear friend.
Sam I love that quote..especially:
You CAN DO everything, but not all at once.
we need to be patient to do something one by one, and wisdom to set the priority...
and this one:
You CAN DO everything, but you'll need help.
We have to be humble! :-)
Always love your post Sam!
Sam, I wrote an imaginary talk and want to know your opinion about it... would you please read http://www.ruangsudut.info/2007/11/imaginary-talk.html ? I am sorry it was quite long... :-)
Hi Trinity,
Thanks for giving me your feedback and sharing your words of wisdom. I really appreciate it.
Yup! We must be patient and have a humble spirit. Then, the Lord may grant us Wisdom to accomplish great things!
Okay.. no problem! I will visit your blog after this.
Blessings to you, Trinity.
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