The Art of Listening
Listen to everyone
Listen to those who love you and those who don't; to those who bore you; even to your enemies. It work a small miracle, and perhaps a great one.
Listen to what hasn't been said
Listen to what has been said, and especially to the unspoken - therein lie nuggets of truth and beauty.
Listen to your inner self
Learn to listen to the whispers of your heart and your soul; of what's right and what's not. You know so much more than you give yourself credit for.
Listen more than you speak
The less we speak, the more we listen. The more we listen , the more we learn.Listen without interrupting
It takes courage to stand up and speak, and even more courage to sit down and listen.
Listen with absolute patience
Words don't come easily to everyone. Yet each person has something to say. So keep on listening and be rewarded with words of wisdom.
Photo 1 by Zeetz Jones taken from this source
Photo 2 by yanni taken from this source
Photo 3 by scriptingnews taken from this source
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Wonderful writing and great pics
Hi Sam...
Very important message... to listen.
I often get the idea that what people want is to be listened to... to be heard, to be acknowledged, to be understood.
It seems such a vital need so often overlooked and not understood.
I have a sense that if we were all heard our world would be a different place!
Thanks for this Sam,
Thanks, Sindhu
I am glad that you liked this post.
Best wishes.
Hi Jennifer,
You got the message! Many people want to be listened to.. to be heard, to be acknowledged and to be understood.
At times, when we are so engross with our works, we just heard something but did not manage to grasp the message. At times, only after about 15 seconds I will reply , "Honey what did you said?"
Thanks for adding your insightful views. I really value your participation. Best Wishes
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