Friday, August 03, 2007

Dress well for success

“We act the way we dress. Neglected and untidy clothes reflect a neglected and untidy mind.”

Although our tidy soul is much more important, we still need to dress well. Whether we like it or not, every day people are judged by the way they dress and present themselves.

You might ask. Should I be judged by what I wear? Perhaps not, but the reality is, of course, that you are judged. Failing to understand the power of projecting a strong personal image can undermine both individual and corporate credibility.

Isn't it true that the very first time when you bring your boyfriend or girlfriend home to meet your parent, it is always better to have him or her dress well to make a good impression?

"Neatness is always a must. Your clothes must be clean."

“Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others.” - Benjamin Franklin

Besides, we also need to dress according to the occasion. Although, some are allow wearing swimming costume for fashion show, everybody else normally should only wear it at the swimming pool or beaches. Police officer will come after us and send us to the mental hospital if we are found wearing such in any other public places.

"In the matter of dress people should always keep below their ability" - Montesquieu

"Know first who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly." - Euripides

Dressing well doesn't always have to cost a fortune. One should focus on quality not quantity. With clothes, more isn’t necessarily better. It’s better to have a few that you really love than a lot that you kind of like.

Do you agree that dressing well is important? Do you spend a lot of money in your clothing?

Photo 1 by shutupyourface taken from this source
Photo 2 by Cayusa taken from this source

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J@n!ce said...

I regret to say that I really spend a lot on my dressing before having the kids. I can purchase one blouse in all the colors available at one go, just bcos I think IT LOOK GOOD on ME :)
I have cut back on this & be sensible & only dress according to the occasion & purchase only when required. Thanks for reminding me again. I think I have to put away that nice dress the mannequin worn cos I don't really need it :) :)

Anji said...

I live in France where appearance is often very important. I'd like to think that I've learnt to dress better than before. In town we try to discourage the male tourists from shopping bare chested!

surjit singh said...

Sam, I agree with your views:
'...dressing well is important?
"Know first who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly."
And at the same time....
...Dressing well doesn't always have to cost a fortune'..
Another good lesson from your pen. God bless you.

Sam Chan said...

Hi Janice,
Thanks for sharing your personal experience.

Indeed, good parent will begin to save money and control their spending when they have children. Some parents even spend all their money buying for the needs of their kids and no more spending for their own needs.

I am glad this post can help you to make a wiser decision :-)

Blessings to you, Janice!

Sam Chan said...

Hi Anji,

Thanks for your comments.

Indeed, people from different part of the world places different values for certain things like appearance, clothing, food and entertainment.

Below is an interesting quote:
“Men in general judge more from appearances than from reality. All men have eyes, but few have the gift of penetration” - Niccolo Machiavelli

Best Wishes

Sam Chan said...

Hi Surjit,
Thanks for your continued support and interest in what I do.

God bless you too!

Desiree said...

Absolutely true! Basically we communicate to others how we want to be treated by our means of dress. Great post!

Jennifer Jones said...

Good post Sam!

There is a balance between dressing well and being overly obsessed with appearance.

As you state, it isn't about tons of cloths, or expensive name brand everything, it is more about appearing appropriate!

Very nice thought Sam... wishing you a great day my friend,


Family Man said...

Great Post Sam! I agree, and my wife and I often put off our needs in order to give to our children. You don't have to spend a lot to look proper. I have given you the Spotlight Blog of the Week on my blog.

Sue said...

I love this post! People who take pride in their personal grooming and dress habits are more reliable by nature. I had a mentor once that taught me how important it is to also remember your shoes. You might not think people notice, but scuff marks on unpolished shoes do stick out in an otherwise dapper outfit.

Sam Chan said...

Hi Desiree,
That's a very concise comment! I love it. Indeed, we communicate to others how we want to be treated by our means of dress!

Thank you for your insight and wisdom!

Best Wishes

Sam Chan said...

Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for the compliment and insight. I really appreciate that.

Very very true... although, dress well have an upper hand, one mustn't overly obsessed with appearance. Too much of water (good thing) can even get one drown! :-)

Have a nice weekend, my friend!

Sam Chan said...

Hi Family Man,
That's right! We don't really need to spend a lot to look proper. When I was young, although I was from a poor family, my tidy look does makes my buddy thought that I was from a wealthy family! :-)

Thanks for giving my blog the Spotlight blog of the week. I am really grateful for that!

Thanks for your kind support and encouragement! It means a lot!

Best Wishes

Sam Chan said...

Hi Sue,
Your mentor is right! Our personal grooming - dressing and tidiness can really tell a lot to those who are very observant.

Thanks for adding your insightful views. I really value your participation.

Have a nice weekend, Sue!