Don't lose your courage
Definition of Courage
According to the Oxford dictionary, courage is the ability to do something that frightens one. It is strength in the face of pain or grief.
We do need lots of courage
We need lots of courage to stand up for what’s right when we stand alone. Or to do what’s right despite disapproval. Or even to take risks that are for our own good. Many people dare not ask for further explanation when the question sounds stupid. Indeed, it also takes a lot of courage to admit you don’t know certain thing or don't even know what you’re doing.
Well, what would your life look like if you had absolutely no fear?
Let's take a look at this story:
There was once a man who was suffered from a deadly illness. Knowing that he will die soon, he was the first to join the military when his country was in a battle with the enemy. Hoping to die in battle, he would fight in the front line, exposing himself without any worry for his life. Eventually they won the battle and he was still alive!
His commander was extremely impressed with his bravery which contributed much to the victory, decided to promote and award him with medals of bravery and honor. On the day of presentation, he was looking very down and unhappy. Curious, the commander asked him the reason why and was told of his deadly illness. "How could I let such a brave soldier die?", the commander thought. So the commander hired the best doctor and finally cured the soldier.
But from that day onwards, the once fearless and brave soldier was no longer seen at the front! He would always avoid danger and tried his best to protect his life instead of risking it!
When you remain in your comfort zone, you can be like the soldier eventually holding you back from moving forward. Thus, don't lose your courage to do what is necessary! Break the chain and free yourself.
“Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.” - Dale Carnegie
"A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward." - Jean Paul Richter
Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things are yours.
Photo 1 by Carl M. taken from this source
Photo 2 by Photo-Gedden taken from this source
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